Sunday, August 11, 2013

On Saturday, August 10, I had the privilege of photographing the baptism of young Lucas Badeendran. Here is a slide show of the photos I took for the event.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Selected news clippings (my writings from college)

So, this past week, I have been working to put together a portfolio of my work. I wanted to come up with a way of presenting them that highlights honestly presents work I have produced in the last two years, while also being easily transportable and accessible.

Although it feels a bit cheesy, I went with a slideshow format. I am tossing around the idea of making it an audio slideshow, but then again that could turn out to be annoying/unnecessary.

One feature I added in after showing this to a couple of friends was the provision of links to full-sized images of the articles in the slideshow.

Hopefully, it will help me land a job!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

In the garden, Roberta's Tiki Disco (Cinco de Mayo edition, 2013).

I wanted to share this gorgeous, lit-by-a-fire pit flower. It popped out at me the other night while catching up with old friends between battles with the smoke monster.

Hope you are all well, and that the flower speaks to you with a familiar voice.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's saturday night :)

Last night, I spent the evening working as a private event photographer for a great dude named Greg, who also introduced me to Manuella Yushuvayeva, a 16-year-old who is studying photography. The two of us got some great shots of the kids and their parents enjoying the day together.

As a result, I had a reason to debut a new feature that will be appearing more and more frequently on my blog: The photo slide show. Since I take a lot of photographs of a lot of interesting things, I want to be able to load a ton of photos to share with you guys. I think this new SoundSlides platform will work to keep the upload time to a minimum and the ease of navigation to a maximum.

This slideshow is quite lengthy due to the nature of the assignment, but in the future, I will release photos in short bursts. I will also be back-blogging in the near future using this feature so I can post my photos from other recent adventures.

If you are interested in a copy of any photographs, or if you would like me to take some photos for you, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be in touch.

Monday, April 29, 2013

time for change

it's done. over. and the timing couldn't be any better because, frankly, i'm over it

it's been great, don't get me wrong. being the voice of a student population, so to speak. and though i hate to admit it, i wasn't shit when i started compared to where i am at now, even though i thought i was. not like i'm really all that far along anyways. but that's kinda necessary. isn't it? fake it til you make it, right?

well that's what i have been doing for a long time now. starting to feel like i am going to be in fake it mode for the foreseeable future. not like it stops me. from doing it. loving it. living it. all day erryday.

really though, it's time to stop the fake out. time to bring it in. get serious. put all that living to work for me and make it pay. so i am gonna start something fresh here, like i halfheartedly began to do last fall, before i let the effort fall with the leaves and hibernate. 

had to go fallow.

but i'm back. talking. writing. thinking for myself. thinking from my own perspective, unclouded by the responsibilities that go along with having to think for other people on a day-in-day-out, week-after-week basis. 

i'm not sure how this is going to go. or what i will be writing. but i am going to be out there, in the real world, living, seeing things worth seeing that you might miss. and i'm going to talk about them. how they make me feel. what they make me think. and maybe more importantly, what they say about real life from my point of view.

well, i don't want to ramble too much. so instead of doing that, i will stop now, leaving you with a poem i wrote on the train yesterday while coming home from a pleasantly short day on campus.

it's called, "the nothing"

it doesnt even matter if people
hear you here
talking to yourself
cursing the wind
howling into the nothing
because no one listens

a casual glance
inquisitively wrinkled forehead
self-righteous smirk
is all you will garner

from a crowd of selves
sifting stoically
through the rubble
and ash
and steam
of each their own
great and horrible
chaotic nothings.